Friday, May 8, 2020
The Problem Of Drug Abuse - 1525 Words
Each year â€Å"Drug abuse kills about 200,000 people†(Drug Abuse Kills 200,000 People Each Year, 2012, para.1). As of now, there is no sure way to get people to stop doing drugs. Addicts are everywhere in licking county and even though drug abuse might not be able to be stopped completely but, there are always way to help users. Clean needle exchanges are a sure way to stop the spread of disease among addicts. Every day thousands of addicts are sharing needles because they have no other option, they simply don t have the resources or the money to have their own personal needles. It might not be stopping the major problem of drug addiction but it will help to limit the number of deaths caused by sharing infected needles. Clean needle exchanges aim to eliminate diseases spread by giving addicts access to clean needles. Drug addiction dates back to the beginning of time. As the years pass by, people are finding new ways to administer drugs and new types of drugs to take. One method that never seems to fail is injection through needle. Every day people are injecting drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine directly into their bloodstream. Injecting yourself with drugs carries many risk factors including the spread of bloodborne pathogens and many other kinds of diseases. Each time they use the needle they lay it down somewhere allowing it to become contaminated with bacteria and disease. The needles can harbor these microorganisms for a very long time so the nextShow MoreRelatedDrug Abuse Is A Problem Essay1180 Words  | 5 PagesDrug abuse is a big problem and there are solutions, but everyone has to work together to achieve them. A possible solution might be to educate the different groups of drug users about the effects of drug abuse. Another is to place a higher priority on eliminating the source of the drug problem, such as the more popular known drugs like marijuana, cocaine, tobacco, nicotine and the others. 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