Hamburger writing paper
Disabilities In Literature King Richard Iii And Oedipus Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Golden Greek :: Running Yiannis Kouros Papers
The Golden Greek One April early daytime Spring got inebriated She is inebriated and is singing and is moving frantically She has gotten inebriated by her happiness, by her blossoms the apiary also has hummed, goodness! this spring inebriation. One evening in April, you experienced passionate feelings for, gracious heart! You experienced passionate feelings for and you are sobbing, you're embarrassed yet don't let it be known You got inebriated by the moon and your inebriation doesn't die down, you got inebriated by the songbirds by the sweet swallows, One eve in April I will transform into a night flying creature with the goal that I can see your shadow and all your carryings on. So I can get inebriated with you and find your spirit with the goal that I can recollect your look and the flavor of your kisses. - y kouros There's the world class, the first class, at that point there's Yiannis. Trishul Cherns For those of you out there who know who Yiannis Kouros is, yet can't accept an ordinary individual could do what he has done (so you call it ability) open your eyes at this moment and understand that Yiannis is a man who has conquered numerous things for an amazing duration and has gained from every one of them, has made something great out of basically nothing. He is only a man, he is definitely not a Greek God, however he has done numerous extraordinary things which a large number of us can't fathom. Interestingly, Yiannis couldn't fathom them before he did them, either. Yiannis is an uncommon individual who has his very own profound comprehension presence. That comprehension is the reason he can run as he does, as a Golden Greek gone Australian. Yiannis Kouros holds world records for 12, 24, and 48 hours, 6 days, and 1,000 miles. He is likewise the proprietor of numerous Greek and Australian records, alongside the many course records he has set along his way. To state it this just tells nothing of Yiannis himself. One can say, for absence of comprehension, that it is unadulterated ability that this man has. That every one of his records was set by him without hardly lifting a finger, as though he were absolved from encounters each sprinter experiences in any ultra race. Yiannis clearly has ability, as do the entirety of the world class ultra sprinters. It is what is in his brain that pulls him so far over that level.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
3M Essay -- essays research papers
12 Basic Immutable Tenets  â â â â      As we as a whole know Warren Buffett might be the best financial specialist on the planet. A few people attempt to excuse Buffetts’ ability of picking fruitful protections based on a specific level of karma or inside data that the standard little financial specialist would never want to have. Anyway what numerous individuals don't comprehend is that, as per Robert G. Hagstrom, Buffett doesn't put resources into stocks yet in organizations and their fundamental organizations. what's more, rather than karma Buffett utilizes his twelve changeless precepts. These twelve precepts are broken into four areas of the organizations: 1) Business, 2) Management 3) Financial and 4) Market. By investigating 3Ms’ yearly report, its fiscal summaries, and by analyzing all parts of the organization and its’ industry we can arrive at a finish of whether 3M would make an alluring speculation to Buffett.      The first gathering of Buffetts’ principles is the Business precepts. The business principles are broken into three regions of focus. The main business fundamental is the business must be basic and justifiable. 3M has a huge number of various items, a couple of which are straightforward (and in this way intriguing to Buffett, for example, Post-It Notes, Scotch Tape, cements, and cleaning operators. However, some of 3Ms’ different items are not as basic, for example, adaptable circuits, and electronic and fluid precious stone showcases. These exceptionally specialized items would be out of Buffetts’ â€Å"circle of confidence†, items that Buffett doesn't know particularly about and in this way Buffett would not have the option to decipher and respond to advancements with as much certainty. The second business precept is that the business must have a reliable working history. Organizations with a reliable working history are firms that are in a steady industry, have gone through years creating a similar item, and that are not as of now associated with evolving headings. 3M could without much of a stretch be ordered as having a reliable working history as appeared by its solid center items (Post-It notes, Scotch tape, Scotch watchman etc†¦) which have overwhelmed their market for a considerable length of time. Additionally 3Ms’ consistency can be estimated by its’ life span in the way that 3M was set up more than 100 years prior in 1902. The remainder of the business principles is positive long haul possibilities. Ideal long haul possibilities ca... ...he last gathering of principles, the market fundamentals, enables the financial specialist to choose if the cost of the offers is satisfactory. The principal advertise precept is choosing the estimation of the business. To esteem a business Buffett gauges an organizations all out future money profit and limits the owners’ income by a hazard free rate (multi year T-security). 3M had absolute proprietor income of $2,690,000,000 in 2003. On the off chance that we accept that owners’ profit will develop by 12% every year for the following ten years (which is the thing that experts foresee as the business in general is relied upon to become 11% every year) we can ascertain that 3Ms’ characteristic incentive in 2003 would be $35,085,216,000. Regardless of whether 3M develops at 5% every year the organization would at present be worth $25,780,818,000. The last market principle, purchasing at appealing costs, is purchasing at a reasonable value that will give your ven ture a â€Å"margin of safety†, and furthermore purchasing at costs that are beneath their demonstrated worth. 3Ms’ worth is determined at $63,480,000,000. This worth is practically twofold our determined inborn worth, which would show to us that the stock cost is excessively high and that 3M would not speak to a wise speculation until the value tumbles to a level that would give an edge of wellbeing.
Monday, July 27, 2020
5 Legit Ways to Make Money Online
5 Legit Ways to Make Money Online 5 Legit Ways to Make Money Online 5 Legit Ways to Make Money OnlineBecause when youre looking to earn some extra money online, there are tons of opportunities out there that are definitely NOT legit.Side hustles are all the rage right now in the gig economy. The tricky part with side hustles, however, is the need to leave the house. There are seemingly few real ways to make money online that don’t involve some kind of scam. But that doesn’t mean those real ways don’t exist!If you’re looking for a side hustle for a little extra cash in your pocket, here are five legit ways you can make money online!1. Become a virtual assistant. Ben Huber, (@vtgrad2010), co-founder of Breaking The One Percent (@breakingthe1pct), knows several ways to make money online, but this one is a personal favorite of his.“Roughly the equivalent of a brick and mortar business secretary, virtual assistants often act as organizational lifeblood of an online business,†Huber said. “From filtering important email accounts and running social media campaigns, to moderating online communities and providing customer support, virtual assistants often work to keep systems streamlined and running smoothly.â€Virtual assistants (or VAs) don’t require a degree and the training necessary is relatively affordable, Huber added.Pay for this kind of work generally sits between $15-$30 an hour, although some VAs make a lot more.2. Be an online bookkeeper.Along the same lines as being a VA, being an online bookkeeper for a business is also a lucrative way to make a little extra dough without leaving the house.According to The Penny Hoarder, you don’t even have to be a CPA to qualify as an online bookkeeper. Plus online bookkeepers have been known to make $60 an hour!“‘Those are the perks of working as a bookkeeper,’ says Ben Robinson, a certified public accountant and business owner who teaches others to become virtual bookkeepers through his online course, Bookkeeper Business Launch,†according to The Penny Hoarde r’s article on online side gigs.3. Learn how to run Facebook ads for local businesses.Staying on the same track of lending a hand to other businesses, Huber’s other main suggestion is to help local businesses run their Facebook advertising. It’s something that’s growing in both popularity and necessity in the digital age.“Advertising has been around as long as businesses have had a medium to do so,†Huber said. “But online advertising is a relatively young phenomenon, and not typically one youll learn about in school. Since 2006, Facebook has created one of the most robust advertising platforms the world has ever seen. A combination of machine learning and user-submitted information allows their ad platform to serve catered ads to users based on their interests, demographics, and even their exact geographical location.â€Huber said this kind of work, a Facebook Ads “guru†if you will, can be very lucrative for the right person. He said some businesses will pay upwa rds of $1,000 for someone to help them generate online leads.4. Work in data entry.This isn’t going to make you as much money as some of the other online business offerings, but data entry is a legit market for at home workers. Plus you can make your own schedule. You don’t need anything more than a good internet connection, computer and be at least 18 years old.Smart Crowd and Clickworker are both great places to pick up these kinds of gigs according to The Penny Hoarder.5. Tutor kids online.If you’re like some people, you might constantly be seeing ads for websites like VIP Kid which offers over $20 an hour to teach children all over the world from the comfort of your home computer.Turns out, those sites are real and tutoring in many subjects can be a lucrative opportunity for at-home hustlers. Each service has its own requirements, but check out sites like VIP Kid, Qkids or any other sites listed in this handy article from Dream Home Based Work.“Online tutors help student s in a certain subject or more than one subject by interacting with their students via the webcam, Skype, or by phone,†according to Dream Home Based Work. “Typically, you will work one-on-one with students, tutoring them in the area they need. You may also find online tutoring positions that allow you to offer instructions or lessons to a group of students online.â€Use that extra money wisely.Once youve earned that extra cash, what are you going to do it? If you dont have an emergency fund, that would be a great place to put your money. While its not as fun as splurging on a night out, having that fund ready when an unexpected bill arises will serve you well in the long run.Otherwise, you could find yourself relying on no credit check loans (like payday loans, title loans, and cash advances) to get bridge your financial gaps. Staving off short-term bad credit loans might sound like a boring way to spend your extra money, but itll save you from a lot of financial pain.To learn more about how you can earn extra money, check out these other posts and articles from OppLoans:Here’s Why Focus Groups Are an Ideal Side HustleNeed Cash Fast? Try These 10 Great Side HustlesPlasma Donation: The Side Hustle That Saves LivesHow to Make Money Online: The Ultimate Resale GuideDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. | InstagramContributorsBen Huber (@vtgrad2010) is the smarter and better looking of the two guys behind Breaking The One Percent (@breakingthe1pct), a blog devoted to helping beginner entrepreneurs unlock their full earning potential. A side hustle aficionado, Ben has spent the past several years sharing what hes learned about earning extra income with anyone and everyone willing to listen. Follow him on Twitter for more income-generating tips along with amusing pictures of his dog.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Reflection Paper - 1578 Words
I took this class knowing it would challenge me and more than likely get on my nerves--which it did--but I do not regret taking the course. I have learned writing skills beyond the write, revise, and finalize that comes with every paper written. This class taught me how to write with purpose and revise to make the purpose clear. Writing about myself in the first paper came as a shocker. I don’t like talking about myself, but I came in with an open mind. When it came time to workshops, I received positive feedback and pointers from my peers that helped steer me in the right direction and honestly give me a little more confidence in my writing. I chose to write my narrative about living with anxiety. Throughout the whole paper I tried to†¦show more content†¦Throughout the rest of this paper, I continued to add more concrete visuals to keep my reader’s attention while still fixing the micro issues such as writing my sentences in a more organized manner. One sente nce I struggled to write to make my intentions more clear was talking about my best friend’s car accident: â€Å" To this day, I do not know what caused the accident, but I have a strong feeling that the driver was distracted.†It did not occur to me when I originally wrote this sentence that I based a lot of my idea off of a hunch. In order to fix this, I wrote two new sentences. â€Å"The cause of the accident is unclear but it still happened. Whether it be distracted driving or falling asleep behind the wheel, the driver is still responsible.†My revised version of this sentence still has the same idea, but more of a broad way of putting it. I tried to get rid of the â€Å"hunch†feeling and just say how it is. The next paper I wrote was my classification essay. Humor is not something that comes easy to me when I am writing. There were many failed attempts to get this paper where it needed to be. Fitting humor into this paper without being overly wordy, was more challenging than I thought it would be. My topic was the three types of grocery shoppers and how they contribute to the experience of other shoppers. In my mind, this topic was going to be so easy to add humor toShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper1317 Words  | 6 Pagesused to struggle with forming my thoughts into writing, let alone a paper. I was never confident with what I wrote. My writing had no greater purpose other than the assignment. My writing process included: writing my paper, proofreading it, and turning it in. Once the paper left my hands, it also left my mind. Throughout this course we worked with others, visited the writing lab, wrote critiques, and we were able to revise our papers. I believe that all of this is ha s caused me to grow greatly as aRead MoreReflection Paper836 Words  | 4 Pagesand integrating quotes. Before my papers were full of â€Å"she said†and â€Å"she would say†; which was boring and showed poor ability to lengthen my word choice. I also had a tendency to just throw quotes in and not integrate it into my writings. By the end of my English 101 class my papers began to present with words like â€Å"the author noted†, or â€Å"she stated†along with many other word choices and proper ways of using quotes. Here is an example from my final research paper: â€Å"Author Stephanie Jackson, a certifiedRead MoreNursing Reflection Paper858 Words  | 4 Pagesremainder of this reflection. I met Betty about eight years ago, as I was a close friend of her brother. Although her brother and I grew apart, I would still occasionally see Betty around. Never did I think that I would ever see her on the unit in which I was working, but a few weeks ago, this idea changed. When I arrived back to the nurse’s station after checking on each of my patients, I saw that my co-caring nurse was getting an admission. I looked down at the sheets of paper he had in front ofRead MoreReflection Paper On The Humanities Field1071 Words  | 5 Pages Over the course of this semester each paper that was written helped to introduce me and my fellow classmates to different formatting, and genres of writing. A lot of knowledge was gained from writing these papers and I was able to compare and contrast the disciplinary writings and notice what makes each of them stand out. Reflecting back on these individual papers helps to express what I have learned. The first paper that was written was the humanities essay. The humanities essay helped to provideRead MorePersonal Reflection Paper On English1015 Words  | 5 Pages Reflection Paper English has never been my strong suit. I always hated English simply, because I never concerned myself as a writer. I always stuck to the bare minimum and was pleased to know that I passed. I honestly never tried hard in English because I never felt good enough. I did not see myself as a confident writer and I am not sure I ever will. Since, being enrolled in English 201, it supplied some challenges that I was not ready for and felt unsuited for. Along the way, I learnRead MoreReflection Paper Boat Design839 Words  | 4 Pages When assigned a project that involved building our very own boat, each boat design was created with inspiration from things in our own lives. My design was inspired by my interest in the origami paper boat and rafts. A flaw in this design was that, making the boat like a raft included the use of straws in which was a material not available for this project. Other designs included one of a boat from Isis Green’s favorite movie Pirates of the Caribbean, a design from a fantasy summer place imaginedRead MoreReflection Paper On Writing And Writing1085 Words  | 5 PagesThe content of my paper was typically not the issue, the organization of the ideas was. I always had good ideas to write about, but I never knew how to organize those thoughts into a well-organized paper. Although in Writing 101, I used the multiple steps of the writing process to insert my ideas into a well-written paper, I continued to struggle in areas such as grammar and mechanics. In Writ 102, I was able t o realize that the writing process develops over time, and the best papers result from revisionRead MoreReflection Paper : Barbie Q By Sandra Cisneros938 Words  | 4 Pagesexploration paper, the reading and writing paper, the annotated bibliography, and the academic research paper. The semester began with basic lessons on general writing rules during class and progressed into a much more complex course, including lessons on expansion and development of evidence and supporting details, as well as the argument of the paper as a whole. Although each assignment taught something new, each built onto the last and helped transition my progress through each paper. The firstRead MoreReflection Paper On Reflection1076 Words  | 5 Pagesknew how to write short story analysis papers, or your run-of-the-mill story reflection. After hearing I would have wrote a total of 5000 words minimum, I was left flabbergasted. Nevertheless, the challenges faced when writing these papers gave me an abundant amount of knowledge in transitional word use, and finally becoming comfortable with the drafting process. When writing my papers, however, I still would like to increase my ability to structure my papers with more confidence. Before this periodRead MoreReflections Paper1552 Words  | 7 PagesComfort and Gods Glory Ray Kirby Liberty University In the decision to discuss two topics included within this reflection paper I have been led to discuss two doctrines that are close to all Christians. The comfort of God and the glory of God are the two doctrines that I have focused on over the last several weeks. The comfort of God has touched me at times over the course of my life however, never as much as it has over the last year. I wish to praise the glory of God as directed within
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Problem Of Drug Abuse - 1525 Words
Each year â€Å"Drug abuse kills about 200,000 people†(Drug Abuse Kills 200,000 People Each Year, 2012, para.1). As of now, there is no sure way to get people to stop doing drugs. Addicts are everywhere in licking county and even though drug abuse might not be able to be stopped completely but, there are always way to help users. Clean needle exchanges are a sure way to stop the spread of disease among addicts. Every day thousands of addicts are sharing needles because they have no other option, they simply don t have the resources or the money to have their own personal needles. It might not be stopping the major problem of drug addiction but it will help to limit the number of deaths caused by sharing infected needles. Clean needle exchanges aim to eliminate diseases spread by giving addicts access to clean needles. Drug addiction dates back to the beginning of time. As the years pass by, people are finding new ways to administer drugs and new types of drugs to take. One method that never seems to fail is injection through needle. Every day people are injecting drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine directly into their bloodstream. Injecting yourself with drugs carries many risk factors including the spread of bloodborne pathogens and many other kinds of diseases. Each time they use the needle they lay it down somewhere allowing it to become contaminated with bacteria and disease. The needles can harbor these microorganisms for a very long time so the nextShow MoreRelatedDrug Abuse Is A Problem Essay1180 Words  | 5 PagesDrug abuse is a big problem and there are solutions, but everyone has to work together to achieve them. A possible solution might be to educate the different groups of drug users about the effects of drug abuse. Another is to place a higher priority on eliminating the source of the drug problem, such as the more popular known drugs like marijuana, cocaine, tobacco, nicotine and the others. Keeping the next generati on from even starting drug abuse will completely eliminate the problem, but achievingRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Abuse1331 Words  | 6 PagesBaltimore’s residents are addicted to the drug†(Yang, 2014). Graph one’s statistics represent the number of deaths caused by heroin in Baltimore, Maryland from January through June 2007-2014: (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene [Graph 1], 2014). As the graph above illustrates, drug abuse is a disease that is often overlooked and if untreated it could turn into a recreational activity for the people using them and eventually increase the number of drug enthusiasts throughout Baltimore. ManyRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Abuse1006 Words  | 5 Pagestrends like drug abuse. According to Pew Research Center, marijuana is the â€Å"most commonly used drug at all grade levels†. With that exact problem in mind, T.A.D.A. was formed. Teens Against Drug Abuse was established in the year 2014 to prevent an d act against teenage drug abuse. Drug abuse is a life-threatening habit that, if it does not end a life at any early age, can physically or emotionally cripple a teenager for the rest of their lives. When analyzing the root of any problem to find a solutionRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Abuse3586 Words  | 15 PagesAbstract When it comes to teenage drug abuse, marijuana, cocaine, LSD and other illegal drugs might come to mind. In fact four out of five people, when asked what they believed was the most abused drug among teens, answered: alcohol, heroin, cocaine, meth and caffeine. While all these drugs are of concern, the use of them in teens is declining. Adolescence are becoming more aware of the side effects and consequences of using these drugs. Narcotic pharmaceuticals are a rising issue in teens todayRead MoreDrug Abuse And The Social Problem957 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is a social problem? Social problem is every conditions that is recognized as a social problem existed for some time before it came to be â€Å"defined†as such. What is a drug abuse in the social problem? Drug abuse is desire to use more drug than enough or than what prescription of the doctor in order to be comfortable and stimulants at the end the user become addicted and hopeless. Drug can be used with any gender according the age in the different environment and location, such as CommunityRead MoreDrug Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem Essay976 Words  | 4 PagesDrug abuse is a worldwide problem and one that has plagued the United States for decades. Drug abuse negatively impacts not only the individual user, but also our society as a whole. The fight to prevent the manufacturing and trafficking of illegal drugs into the country has made very little impact on its accessibility to those that wish to partake. According to the National Drug Control Budget Report for 2015, the President of the United States request $25.4 Billion in Fiscal Year 2015 in orderRead MoreThe Problem Of Drugs And Alcohol Abuse765 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction My chosen contemporary social problem is drugs and alcohol abuse. It goes without saying that drugs and alcohol abuse is one of the most significant social problems not only in the United States but also around the world. As a matter of facts, drugs and alcohol abuse is a problem with innumerable effects both on the body and mind of a person. Many times, these adverse impacts affect the families, friends, and acquaintances of the addict whereby, for instance, the latter may lose theirRead MoreThe Problem Of Prescription Drug Abuse1461 Words  | 6 Pages(Quotes about Drug Abuse). This quote by Wayne Gerald Trotman describes how heartbreaking it is to contemplate on exactly how many people’s lives have been adversely impacted as a result of abuse. Child abuse, animal abuse, and sexual abuse are all major types of abuse; however, prescription drug abuse is a problem that is drastically skyrocketing in today’s society. While other addictions and abuses are equally signi ficant, it is imperative that people put a stop to prescription drug abuse using twoRead MoreDrug Abuse Is A Major Problem1122 Words  | 5 PagesDrug abuse is a major problem in the United States and throughout the world as more and more people become addicted every day. â€Å" We live in a society where millions of Americans are dependent on drugs or alcohol and only a small percentage receive treatment at a facility. In fact, the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 21.5 Americans age 12 and older had a substance use disorder in the previous year; however, sadly only 2.5 million received the specialized treatment they neededRead MorePrescription Drug Abuse Is A Serious Problem1547 Words  | 7 PagesBailey Glanville Mrs. Landgrebe Advanced Composition/4 21 December 2014 Research Paper Prescription drug abuse is a serious problem in today’s society. Prescription drug abuse is taking medicine prescribed for someone else, for another purpose, a larger dose than prescribed, in a different way than one is specifically prescribed. (â€Å"Prescription Medline†par. 1). This includes using a prescription to get high by crushing, snorting, or injecting them (â€Å"Prescription Medline†par. 4 and 5). By using
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Catcher in the Rye Symbolism Free Essays
The Dangers of Isolation in The Catcher in the Rye It is normal to want to get away from all of the problems of the world, but it is not normal to want to be completely isolated from people. Holden wanted to have no human contact what so ever, and that is not normal. Throughout the book Holden expresses a rebellious attitude toward the world, and this rebellious attitude comes from his infatuation with being alone. We will write a custom essay sample on Catcher in the Rye Symbolism or any similar topic only for you Order Now He isolates himself from the world because he has not yet found himself and is searching. Holden feels that he must find himself alone with no one else’s help. Holden expresses his rebellious side when he gets kicked out of school, again. Holden doesn’t like school because he doesn’t like doing activities that he loses patience for and sees no point in doing them. Holden also is rebellious in the way that he smokes and drinks when he is a minor. He is an excessive smoker and turns to alcohol to suppress his feelings of depression, which are signs of alcoholism. This behavior is not unheard of, but is rare for a 16-year-old to become an alcoholic. From this rebellious attitude Holden becomes isolated from those around him. His first act of isolation with a combination of rebellion is when Holden doesn’t go to the game in the beginning of the book. Everyone was going to be there and he doesn’t want to be like everyone else. Getting kicked out of school is another example of him rebelling and the cause of it being isolation. After he leaves Pency, Holden meets up with an old friend of his, Sally. After hanging out with her for awhile Holden asks her if she wants to run away with him. From this we learn that he has a desire to get away from the world. From this quote that Holden said we can tell how much he wants to run away, â€Å"I thought what I’d do was, I’d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn’t have to have any god dam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they’d have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They’d get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I’d be through with having conversations for the rest of my life†(p 198). Upon being kicked out of school, Holden decides to go on a little vacation. In this short period of time Holden goes through many tribulations. To get from place to place Holden takes taxicabs. During these rides Holden asks the cab drivers if they know where the ducks go when the pond freezes over. The reactions from the cab drivers are different each time, but his recurring concern about the ducks seems to be symbolic of Holden’s desire for purpose and direction. While he is by himself, Holden doesn’t stay in one place for very long. He didn’t know where to go next just like he didn’t know where his life was going. During his time by himself, Holden imagines becoming a deaf-mute and running away. Holden wants to use his imagination to feel more connected to the world and his emotions. He does this because in his fantasy world he can control what happens and in real life he wanted to do the same. Towards the end of the book, Holden loses more and more of his sense of reality. If he had stayed on this path he would have lost all sense of reality. All of these feelings that Holden had were each the cause of themselves. He kept going around in a destructive and unproductive cycle, which would be hard to break. In the end of the book, Holden didn’t ride the merry-go-round because he wanted to break that cycle. He wanted to be there for his sister and see her grow up. He wanted to be a part of life, and the world. In order to do that he would need some help, and the mental hospital was the perfect place for the kind of help Holden needed. How to cite Catcher in the Rye Symbolism, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Hand Is the Instrument of the Mind free essay sample
The human hand, so delicate and so complicated, not only allows the mind to reveal itself but it enables the whole being to enter into special relationships with its environment. We might even say that man â€Å"takes possession of his environment with his hands†. (Montessori M, The Secret of Childhood, 1972, p 81) Maria Montessori stated that our hands are what put us as humans above the rest of the animal species. This is because humans are the only species to use their hands separately to their legs, and humans use their hands to create and change their environment to suit their needs. Our hands are not simply used instinctively, but are guided by our minds. Our minds are also guided by the development activities of the hand! That is to say, when we are born we all have the same basic hands, but our minds are what determine what we do with them. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hand Is the Instrument of the Mind or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The work of our hands reflects our skills or intelligence, as the paintings of an artist reflect his creative skill, or the music of a pianist reflects his musically developed mind. Also our hands’ experience helps us to learn and develop our minds. Sensorial materials focus very much on using the hand to build the child’s intelligence. While building the Pink Tower or Broad Stair he is exposed to concepts such as height, depth, length and breadth. When his fingers feel the ‘Touch Boards’ and ‘Touch Tablets’ he learns concepts like rough and smooth. Holding the Baric Tablets teach him what light and heavy means. As he places his palms on the Thermic Tablets he will discover the difference between hot and cold. Using his hands he will shake the sound cylinders and his mind will be exposed to louder and softer. Our minds or brain form an idea, instruction or thought, our hands put these ideas into action. The brain continues to correct and perfect the hands creation until satisfaction in the end product is achieved. i. e. the hand carries out the brains desire and wishes. Therefore, it is important for the activities of the hand to be development perfectly whereby movement of the hand is refined. â€Å"The more delicate the work, the more it needs the care and attention of an intelligent mind to guide it. †The sensorial materials are designed to develop or train the senses, and it is this material that does the teaching through the childs sensorial manipulation of it. The materials are appealing to the child and are designed to prepare the child for future work. Because of the graded, (strong contrasts to more delicate differences) sequential order (easier to more difficult skills that build on one another) of the materials, the child’s ability to perceive things in a more refined way and ordered way becomes apparent. Opportunity for repetition is encouraged as repetition is what builds and exercise the senses, and builds up the intellectual information in the brain. It is agreed then that Montessori in stating; â€Å"The whole business of the mind is to guide the business of the hand†implies that must movement and development of the hand through means of practical and concrete manipulation is needed for the intellect to develop.
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