Monday, December 23, 2019
Reflections Paper - 1552 Words
Comfort and Gods Glory Ray Kirby Liberty University In the decision to discuss two topics included within this reflection paper I have been led to discuss two doctrines that are close to all Christians. The comfort of God and the glory of God are the two doctrines that I have focused on over the last several weeks. The comfort of God has touched me at times over the course of my life however, never as much as it has over the last year. I wish to praise the glory of God as directed within the bible to show how God has worked in my life. The Comfort of God Theological Definition The comfort of God can be best represent and defined by 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 which states: â€Å"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the†¦show more content†¦I have learned over the course of my career that God is in control. He has a plan for all of us and comforts us when we stray from that path. When I speak of Gods comfort I think of a video that I watched on YouTube recently. The video was a speech given by Admiral Lee of the United State Coast Guard. Admiral Lee talks about the red tape that prevents him and all military personal from comforting soldiers on the battlefield. He states that he is unable at times to give guidance to those struggling for hope. I’m not a type of person who wants to force my faith and beliefs on a person. But much like Admiral Lee I have had the opportunity to be there when someone is reaching out. To give them comfort with Gods preachings and to give them a bible so they can find hop e and comfort within its pages. I have for years during my tenure as a police officer carried a bible in my police vehicle. I also carry small pocket bibles purchased at my own expense. I throughout the years have never had anyone refuse one of my bibles. However, I have arrested people who have already got one of them. The Glory of God Theological Definition The glory of God is the beauty of his spirit. It is not his physical beauty however; it is his beauty that emanates from his character. Gods glory is His splendor, his majesty. The glory of God is his character and his divine nature; it is the very essence of hisShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper1317 Words  | 6 Pagesused to struggle with forming my thoughts into writing, let alone a paper. I was never confident with what I wrote. My writing had no greater purpose other than the assignment. My writing process included: writing my paper, proofreading it, and turning it in. Once the paper left my hands, it also left my mind. Throughout this course we worked with others, visited the writing lab, wrote critiques, and we were able to revise our papers. I believe that all of this is has caused me to grow greatly as aRead MoreReflection Paper836 Words  | 4 Pagesand integrating quotes. Before my papers were full of â€Å"she said†and â€Å"she would say†; which was boring and showed poor ability to lengthen my word choice. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Music Education in Schools Free Essays
Music is an important part of our life. An art, music is its own language; it’s a universal language that anyone can understand. No matter how different music is around the world, it serves a common purpose of bringing people together. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Education in Schools or any similar topic only for you Order Now Music allows us to express ourselves and exposes our emotions because there is always a song for every situation. Music is an important part of our society today because it tells a story, releases emotion, and breaks down barriers. Most importantly, music is entertaining.Many schools, however, have been forced to drop music programs as a result of budget cuts. Eliminating music programs from school can have a negative effect on our children, immediately and long-term. There are several benefits previous generation of school children have enjoyed with having music programs throughout their early years of education. As human beings we are first introduced to music before birth. A fetus is exposed to the art of music by hearing the beating of the mother’s heart. Once born, an infant continues to be exposed to music. It is common for parents to sing to their newborn at bedtime.Many toys and televisions programs aimed at infants play music, to which they respond by moving their arms and legs. Once babies start learning their first words many begin to sing phrases of familiar songs, even though they might not know what it means. During this process a child starts to repeat familiar phrases and slowly begins to learn and build vocabulary (Gallien). Even before children have been enrolled in school, they have already had a lot of exposure to music in their lives. While children have had great exposure to music prior to school, few have learned about the art of music.This is what music programs in school are designed to do. In doing so, kids develop and enhance skills that makes them better students and better individuals in the future. MENC: The National Association for Music Education has a list of twelve benefits associated with music education. In summary, the list emphasizes the importance of music education as a mean to enhance skills, develop creativity and create success in life. One of the most important reasons for music in schools is its ability to help develop perceptual skills necessary in many academic subjects.This has to do with musical training helping develop the area of the brain associated with language and reasoning. With music education students are also developing critical thinking skills. With this students improve in other areas of reading, writing, and math. Like math, there is also logic involved in music. Playing musical instruments has been statistically proven to enhance children’s abilities to solve math problems. Children who are involved in music excel more than those who don’t participate in music. Research has shown that many students who have been involved with music in school are more successful in standardize test.In all, the study of music opens up a new world for children, as do the study of reading, writing, and arithmetic (Rewko). Since music is an art, music education forces students to actively be creative and use their imagination. This tumbles into other subjects, where students can also use their creativity and imagination to help them solve problems. This can help students in school as they learn new material and are challenged with standardized exams. Music education also helps students stay in school. Children that are exposed to music education during childhood are more likely to go on to college after high school. When schools cut back on music educations they are also indirectly increasing the chances of more students dropping out before graduating high school. This in effect makes it more difficult for these young adults to compete in the job market against their peers that have a college education. Therefore, an early presence of music education in school can greatly affect the future of children. Music education can also help children with social development. One of the great things about music is the ability to collaborate with others. Music education encourages collaboration between children.Students learn how to play different instruments and come together to collaborate in songs. Music programs in schools have choir groups and bands, forcing and teaching students how to work as teams. Teamwork is very important in life and music education provides a great platform to introduce children to working together. Another social development factor is understanding culture. When collaborating with others to create music students are exposed to different cultures. During this process students not only share music ideas, but also parts of their own cultures. The sharing of ideas exposes students to new things.This is one of the many reasons students in music programs are more likely to try new things, compared to those who don’t have a music education. Organizational and time-management skills are also developed through music education. Music requires a lot of practice outside of school in order to perfect the instrument. This allows children to use more of their brain and help the development of it. As children learn to commit to this routine of daily practicing music to become better artist, they will also apply these skills of organization and time-management to other aspects of their daily life.This will make them better students in schools and better individuals in society. Being part of choir or band also teaches responsibility. Even if a student is not involved in choir or band, a music class also requires responsibility skills. Children in music classes are responsible for going home and continue practice of the musical training they had in the classroom. When a student becomes a member of a choir or band, they must make sure they show up for rehearsals. Just like stretching before exercise prepares our muscles for a proper workout, music can also help the brain prepare for critical thinking and problem solving.Since music is able to connect with people in an emotional way, it allows the brain to start thinking as soon as you start listening to a song or start playing an instrument. Music is also very important in our pop culture. A music education can help children better understand how music is produce and the talent behind every song. Children that learn to understand music and grow-up with an appreciation for it will fit in well and succeed in society that is based on music (TRF). One of the greatest benefits of a music education for children is how well it prepares them for their lives after school.Teamwork, time-management, and being responsible are all skills that are important factors for companies when hiring new employees. Relationships in life require commitment and teamwork, just like music. Most important, becoming a parent also requires skills such as responsibility, commitment and time-management. In all, skills that musical training develops early on in children will stay with them throughout life and help them become better individuals. Music has been proven to have a great influence on a child’s success in school, social growth, and basic skills that are important to a child’s future.Years of research have provided proof and results that when a child is exposed to music education they are most likely to success in other subjects in skills. Research also shows that young adults involved with music are less likely to have disciple problems. Even college admissions officers know the importance of music in a child’s education. Participation in the arts and music, just like GPA and test scores, is an important factor in making admission decisions for a lot of colleges. There are many reasons why music education is important for children. The most important reason why music is important in education it’s the most simply.Music education is fun. Music is important in a student’s curriculum. School officials are harming children by cutting music education. The benefits are far greater than any reason against cutting these programs from schools. A better society depends on the future of our children and music can have a positive influence on the future of our children. How to cite Music Education in Schools, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Ethics for Journal of Information -
Question: How to Analyze and Resolve the Dilemma. Answer: Dilemma for Sally The dilemma that Sally is involved in revolves around the fact that she must exercise objectivity and accountability in her services. At the same time, she does not want to lose the hard earned reputation of the government that she is working for due to the allegation and the closure that has followed the event. Sally thus has to take steps that will somehow take the two into consideration which most likely will form conflicting events(Pollock 2014). At this juncture, Thomas methodology of analyzing and resolving conflicts will be significant. Sally needs to analyze the dilemma first through analyzing the consequences of the steps that she wants to take. That is which side will be favored and which side will be deprived if a certain step is considered. In addition, what are the benefits that will be accrued if a given resolution strategy is taken into consideration? Sally needs to take into consideration the short term and the long term effects of the actions that are to be utilized. After considering all the alternatives that are available it is now essential to choose the best alternative, that is the option that has the highest number of benefits as compared to the harms that it will pose(Thomas 2017). The next step involves analyzing the actions. Here, consequences are secluded from the equation. At this point, only the actions are looked at. That is; what is the morality of the actions that are to be utilized to resolve the ethical issue. That is, are they honest, fair and respectful to others? Or do they have the element of equity? It is also significant for Sally to check if any of the ethical principles are conflicting, and if they are conflicting, how she can resolve to accomplish one ethical principle that is paramount and with limited problems. The last step is to come up with a decision(Thomas 2017). That is the two basic analysis parts of the steps should be considered and a decision arrived at. The decision that she selects should be that with can be achieved in a strategic manner. Recommendations for Sally Sally needs to prove that she respected the information of others. According to the ACS, employers should ensure that they respect the proprietary nature of the information that belongs to others. Sally needs to communicate this to Han so that he can put this into account when rendering web development services. In addition, ACS describes that an employer needs to advise his employees on the most likely conflicts of interests that arise in the line of duty. Sally needs to consider this for Han may not be aware of what is required of him when it comes to publishing(Leicester 2016). The code of ethics stipulates that these priorities should be taken into consideration. It is essential due to the fact that it will help reduce the ethical dilemmas and also ensure abidance to the ethical principles. To add on, giving advice is a sign of responsibility that will reduce the occurrences of suppressions and penalties. Moreover, it is essential for managers to give detailed information to their staff on ethical principles and what is required of them so that unethical practices can be reduced to a greater extent. Lastly, Sally needs to be accountable to the allegations made and communicate to the court on what steps she will take to ensure that the ethical issue does not recur(Warren, M., Warren, M., Lucas, R. and Lucas, R. 2016). Accountability will showcase adherence to the ethical principles to detest from showcasing irresponsible behaviors. Bibliography Leicester, N 2016, Ethics in the IT Profession: Does a Code of Ethics have an Effect onProfessional Behaviour? Pollock, JM 2014, Ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice, Nelson Education. Thomas, W 2017, Ethics, and Business, viewed 2 September 2017, Warren, M., Warren, M., Lucas, R. and Lucas, R. 2016, 'Ethics and ICT: Why all the fuss?',Journal of Information, Communication, and Ethics in Society, vol 14, no. 2, pp. 167-169.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Life from Above free essay sample
The first tree I ever climbed was a lamppost on Henry Street. I was small and the few trees that lined those Brooklyn streets were too wide for me to wrap my arms around. I shimmied up to the top and held myself there, arms shaking and mouth gaping at all that I could see. The streets looked so wide and my mother so small as she begged me to come down. From then on, I climbed ceaselessly. I never swung on the swing sets, but rather worked my way up their black poles and observed the playground from above. My childhood passed in a jungle of urban treetops from which I observed life below, birds above, and relished the freedom of being surrounded by nothing but air. Eventually I grew too old to climb the lampposts and trees of my neighborhood, but in many ways I remained living among those concrete treetops. We will write a custom essay sample on Life from Above or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I often felt that my childhood was spent observing, from a height, what other children did. My mother, an eccentric to say the least, built our home in an industrial loft where nearly every surface was a canvas. Only the kitchen table was not to be defiled, though even it had a poem or two etched into its surface. It was our treehouse. In it, life was an adventure. School for us meant the perusal of our dreams as they appeared to us that day. On the days I wanted to be a writer, I spent my time around the house poring over John Keats, tussling with Homer. On days when I wanted to be a doctor, I donned my lab coat and plucked my sisters splinters. I never had mathematician days. The entirety of the world was in my palms, and I eagerly grasped it. From our height we watched the happenings far below: children boarding school buses, block parties we didnt attend, and holidays we never celebrated. As glorious as life in the treehouse was, it was not without thunderstorms, booming with the sound of arguing parents. It was not without earthquakes when late child support and unpaid bills threatened to destroy our home. It was not without the heavy rainstorms of a sadness I couldnt understand. However ravaged we were by the weather of life, we were free. But no treehouse can withstand a man with a chainsaw. Through the roaring zip of the saw, we watched our treehouse come crashing down, and I felt the ground for the first time. The ground then manifested itself as School. I donned a uniform, got a nickname, and started doing math when I was told. Like a sailor at sea for months, I found that the ground was unfriendly to me. My lungs ached as they adjusted to the strange new altitude. I often found myself out of breath, gasping for some shred of familiarity. Now my feet have adjusted, and my lungs have adapted. But even as I make my way across the ground, I carry with me what I learned in the trees, and I wonder if there is another destiny for those who crave life from above, or those who are tired of running out of breath down here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Expansion of U.S. Companies in Africa Essays
Expansion of U.S. Companies in Africa Essays Expansion of U.S. Companies in Africa Essay Expansion of U.S. Companies in Africa Essay Expansion of U.S. Companies Introduction Over the years, America has developed various companies in some African countries. The companies are aimed at increasing the economy in the U.S. while strengthening its resources overseas and enhancing international relations. Some of the companies in Africa have influenced politics in America and the related countries to allow smooth business operations. If a country’s economy is strong, it increases its wealth and promotes good business relations with the outside world. Expansion of companies shows the growth of a business. This leads to opportunities that benefit all people and countries associated with the company. Expansion mainly increases employment opportunities, which in turn improves the development of a nation. Expansion of a company is usually triggered by the need to increase market and maximize profits. However, it has various effects on the development and economy of a country. The issues, effects and significance of expansion are an important topic for discussi on especially in the growing world economy. Several U.S. companies have expanded in Africa and the implication of their growth on stocks, government policies, employment and the development of America. Issues Recently, the U.S. developed an interest of conducting business in some African countries. These interests were triggered by factors such as the nature of land, good climate and availability of resources in the countries. However, the establishment of Chinese companies in Africa has hindered efficient expansion by the U.S. As a result, some companies have grown in Africa but have faced many barriers during expansion. Despite the barriers, some companies have taken advantage of the loopholes to increase the economy. Examples of these companies that have expanded immensely are, Coca Cola Company, General Motors, Isuzu Motors Limited, Ford Motors and Cummins Incorporation. The growth of these companies has affected America and Africa in many ways. The need for expansion of companies in Africa by America was fueled by the rise in China’s economy. It led to an urge by American companies to compete for market with China. The market opportunities in Africa influenced the struggle between China and America to dominate business. Cummins Incorporation, which is an American company that deals with the supply of trucks and engines, has taken drastic measures of increasing sales of its products in Africa, to restore stiff competition between America and China. Last year, it was noted that China had gained much more popularity in South Africa from the design and production of truck engines and equipment. Another measure that America has taken is generated from a company like Caterpillar Incorporation, which deals with making construction products. The company has invested funds used to train personnel and build infrastructure to accommodate its workers in countries like Mozambique and Zambia. General Electric Company, which deals with the supply and manufacture of aircrafts, has developed an aircraft-leasing administrative center in Ghana as another measure. The administrative centre serves as the company’s headquarters for the west and central part of Africa. All these measures were aimed at improving the stock value and economy of the U.S. Analysis The measures outlined above show the main reason behind the expansion of American companies in Africa. It is evident that the Chinese rapid growth in economy affected the market of many products in the U.S. China developed companies that shared the same goals as American firms, but both countries were competing for market and exploration of resources in Africa. China discovered opportunities in Africa before the U.S. and utilized them to strengthen the economy. The strong economy in China influenced an increase of stock value by the U.S. in order to bridge the gap in the economy between the two countries. However, increasing the stock value has negative effects on market. This forced the U.S to develop interests in Africa to maintain balance. Worldwide statistics show the interests of other continents in Africa are extremely high. This is because Africa is the largest source of market and it is developing rapidly in terms of resources and infrastructure. There are many changes being made in Africa currently that will make it a market hub. Improvement of infrastructure has influenced the growth and expansion of many companies in various countries. In South Africa and Nigeria, for example, the development of sophisticated buildings has led to the expansion of existing restaurants and hotels. A restaurant such as KFC has led to imports of poultry products by the U.S to Africa. Good climate, agriculture and tourist attractions in countries like Kenya and Ethiopia have played a major role in expansion of U.S companies. This is because these factors are influential in determining the location of a company. The healthy climate gives favorable working conditions and China has focused most of its development there by building large telecommunications networks in Ethiopia. America was aimed at expanding more in Asian countries that lacked these resources. Upon the discovery of Africa’s potential, America reevaluated its plans and focused more towards expansion in Africa. China has also developed equipment for processing products electronically in Africa. Products such as pharmaceuticals and processed perishables have gained a vast market in Africa, therefore, increasing China’s economy. By producing and marketing these products in Africa, China incurs minimal costs of production while creating opportunities for Africans such as employment and training. China is also a leading developer of mobile phone networks through Huawei Technologies Company. This is due to the development programs established in Africa that provide the Chinese with contracts for installing networks in various areas. However, America has not taken advantage of these opportunities, and this has not fully exploited its potential in developing technology. Some American government policies affect relations between the U.S and Africa. Since most African countries have one-party governments, establishing strong business relationships with America is difficult. However, the Chinese government has less strict policies, which facilitate smooth interactions with Africa. The African growth and opportunity act of 2000 of America allows trading between African countries that are viewed to be developing politically, socially and economically. This act affected the development of some companies in remote countries that have good land and favorable climate. However, China had no such policies. In fact, the state council of china encouraged mutual gain when conducting business in Africa with the aim of promoting social progress. American companies have faced some challenges in expanding in Africa. The development of infrastructure in the past years has led to congestion in countries like Nigeria. This has made it difficult to arrive on time in various working places due to the perils of traffic. As a result, it has forced American companies to construct on the outskirts of Nigeria, which also poses a challenge for workers in a company in terms of transport. This challenge is faced because America delayed in establishing its companies in Africa due to the lack of knowledge and confidence in the continent. This enabled China to take time to develop appropriately especially with the availability of oil in Nigeria. Conclusion According to the article, it is evident that America is struggling maintain competition with China. China has exploited Africa, and as a result, stocks in America are reducing in value. This has forced many leading companies in America to expand in Africa because of its rapid growth and available resources. The delay in discovering potential market in Africa by the U.S. is highlighted as a threat to the economy of America. Currently, the U.S. is struggling to keep up with China economically, and this has led to the rise of companies in Africa. 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Friday, November 22, 2019
Business Case Development of Entrepreneurship
The study is related to the development of entrepreneurship in Singapore. The case study illustrates the development of the pany Tranium Academy, a training providing enterprise by an entrepreneur named Eugene. Entrepreneurship is defined as the development and starting business ventures of its own. The concept of entrepreneurship is itself a challenging task where entrepreneurs must possess the characteristics of perseverance. Entrepreneurs while starting a new business should accept some negative attributes of loss of money, risk taking, suffering setbacks while embarking the journey of starting a new venture. In this context, the use of creativity in the minds of Eugene is the key cause of success of the business started by him in the market. There goes a concept that creativity and money do not correlate with each other. When entrepreneurs face various limitations then they start to b e more creative in nature. The study focuses on the motivation of Eugene while starting his own venture along with the market opportunities that have supported him to start the business. Apart from that, the business model used by Eugene along with its feasibility in the market, sustainability, gaps and growth of Tranium Academy will also be discussed in the report. The case study illustrates that Eugene Seah has faced countless setbacks while thriving his business of training in the Singapore market. Previously Eugene is associated in working with finance sector. At that sector, he used to take care of the strategic marketing and munications project over many years. Apart from that, he has attended many certification programs for training and assessment and has been associated with many seminars and workshops related to training and development in the Singaporean market (Chatterji et al. 2014). From his very childhood days, Eugene is attracted towards public speaking, hosting various events, enhancing personal skills, etc. It is a cause of motivation of starting his own venture in the future. Apart from that, during his job life in the financial sector, he has gained many experiences in the field of training, development, personal grooming, public speaking, skill development programs, etc. that has been responsible for the source of motivation of developing his career in this sector. In his job life, he has gained opportunity to work with many trainers in different training programs, seminars and workshops that has enhanced his capabilities and level of expertise in the areas of training and personal development (Galindo and Mà ©ndez 2014). Beside this, there is a transition phase in the career where he has to choose for entrepreneurship and a career with no opportunities for growth. Pursuing with same position over years has no point of growth. However, there are many risks related to entrepreneurship that the entrepreneurs must understand while proceeding with the creative idea of venturing own business (Drucker 2014). Ample amount of research about the sector that the entrepreneur wants to start the business is essential. Entrepreneurship also includes the concept of both macro environment analysis and micro environment analysis. Macro environment analysis includes the external condition of the market relating to profitability, investment, scope of the business, growth of the business, nature of petition, number of petitors, dearth of technology usage, current trends of business model used in the industry by the major players, searching potential areas of growth and business, and many more (Sahut and Peris-Ortiz 2014). While having ideas of these attributes, entrepreneur will find motivation in exploring the marketing opportunities. On the contrary, micro environment analysis of the pany includes resources, skills and the financial condition that the entrepreneur is available with. It will help in exploring the opportunities that Eugene will implement while expanding the business opportunities. It is mentioned in the case study that Eugene has conducted enough market research on the genre of business he will be operating in. The different types of opportunities in the Singapore market regarding the training and personal development of the personnel is one of the opportunities for growth of the business venture. Market research of the training and development sector at that time was occupied with major players and their way of providing service is different from that of the other panies (Letaifa and Rabeau 2013). In this context, both the macro environment analysis and micro environment analysis of the market i.e. training and developmental market is important. Apart from that, the motivation for an entrepreneur is the zeal of starting his own venture in the field of expertise he has gained in the due course of time. The training and development of the professionals of the Singapore has been considered as the market opportunities in the business. The expertise that the entre preneur has gained in his career life has immense importance while thriving the business in the Singapore market (Binnui and Cowling 2016). It can be said that from the very beginning training and development is considered as the important factor for the growth of every panies in all parts of the world. Training, personal development, career development, enhancement of skills and expertise are always important not only for growth of career of the individuals but also for the growth of the panies in terms of employee relations and productivity of them in their respective fields (Shaw and de Bruin 2013). Apart from the corporate panies, the field is also important in different schools and personal career counseling activities. Different high level executives of Singapore believe of enhancement of their skills and expertise once in 3 to 5 years for their personal development in their profession they are associated with. Research of Eugene illustrates the fact that the major players of this industry are focused on only one activity with limited amount of resources and capabilities. Another opportunity for the growth of the b usiness is the growth of the non academic tuitions for personal development (Thà ©baud 2015). The business model that is being initially used in Tranium Academy is partnership business of Eugene and one or more partners in the future years. As Eugene does not have sufficient amount of resources, hence he has joined hand with one event management pany of one of his university friend. Initially partnership was agreed by both the parties and the business was started. There was no such specific business model used in Tranium Academy for capturing clients. All things are done manually by Eugene and other members of the business. Lack of use of technology in the business is the reason of very slow growth of the pany as it was been projected earlier (Weber and Tarba 2016). There are many rejections and encounters that Eugene has to face while he is busy in tapping clients from the market. The positive side of Eugene in developing and flourishing his venture is capturing and grabbing knowledge from different sources and attending different seminars and workshops. The idea that Eugene captured from those areas were implemented by him in the business. However, there are many weaknesses in this business model. The weaknesses are discussed above. But the positive side is only the expertise and knowledge gained by the entrepreneur itself to survive the business in the market of Singapore. Despite of having weaknesses, the entrepreneur has the ability to identify the potential business model relevant for the new venture of training and personal development. Being digital is the way identified by Eugene to sustain in the market. The potential business model that will help the entrepreneur to sustain in the petitive world is using technologies that use digital platforms such as websites, social media channels, etc. for tapping more clients for generating revenue for the pany (?ledzik 2013). The pany by using digital platforms will not only increase the profitability but also it will increase the brand image, reputation and popularity of the pany in the market of Singapore. Hence, creating innovative digital content for the website is th e chosen potential business model for the pany to sustain the petition in the market. Entrepreneurship is related to feasibility of the business venture in the market. An entrepreneur has to keep many things in his mind regarding the factors that may influence the business in the market. Mainly external factors are the point of concern that may cause a stoppage in the progress of the business. The external factor includes governmental rules, regulations, laws, trade regulations, safe petition, etc. Internal factors of feasibility of entrepreneurship illustrate the partnership ability of the business in the different operational perspective for the development and growth of the business (Maritz and Donovan 2015). The different perspectives that are mentioned in the case study points out the facts that the business is feasible enough to maintain its business in the market. The case study regarding entrepreneurship illustrates various scopes and opportunities that can cause both favor and unfavor the conditions for growth. The different conditions that are explained in t he case study suggest that the business is feasible in the market of Singapore (Lindberg et al. 2014). Feasibility of the business is the main point of consideration of every entrepreneur across different parts of the world. A list of things regarding the establishment of business in the particular sector is responsible for the positive growth of the venture in the market. The study describes about the opportunities of training and development in the market of Singapore. Apart from that, the condition of the market those are not favorable for the establishment and growth of the business is also mentioned clearly (Mro?ewski and Kratzer 2016). However, it can be said that besides of having many less favorable conditions for business growth, it can be said that the entrepreneur can utilize the available market opportunities in a way to increase the profitability of his business. Hence, it can be concluded that the business is feasible in Singapore market. Control over a business is an important factor in terms of entrepreneurship. It can be said that the most of the businesses across the world is either established in sole proprietorship or in a partnership. Controls of business in both these types of businesses are different from one another. Control is necessary for the smooth flow of all business operations along with the profitability maintenance. It can be said that it is due to the nature of control of business that will determine the goals, objectives, profitability, way of conducting business, grip over the business and its action during the time of less favorable conditions in the market (Hoskinson and Kuratko 2015). The nature of control also determines the different types of actions that will be taken by the business while dealing with customers in different aspects. In this perspective, it can be said that the control of a sole proprietor business is different. Entrepreneur has to take care of each and every details of the business of its own. It can be said that the responsibility is huge over the field of control in sole proprietorship business. In partnership business, the responsibilities, control and other duties are divided into partners involved in the business. Decisions are taken in a joint way. It has both positive and negative aspects. Tranium Academy initially does not face any issues while controlling activities in the business (Patton 2013). However, due to passage of time, there are disputes that have been arisen in the partnership business of Eugene. Starting a new business venture or the concept of entrepreneurship is characterized by potential growth and gaps that will help the entrepreneur in forming business strategies that will help the venture to sustain in the petitive business world. The gaps in the market are identified by the entrepreneur in the market so that they can get prepared about the different kinds of unexpected situations in the market that can hamper the profitability as well as the smooth flow of business operations in the market. In this context, potential gaps are identified by the entrepreneur himself that can affect the growth of Tranium Academy in the Singapore market (Padma and Sridhar 2016). The weaker areas of the pany are the gaps that are responsible for creation of the negative catalytic affect in the business. Different types of positive actions and activities of the petitors in the market are also considered as the factors of growth in the pany. The case study reflects about different favorable factors of growth for flourishing the training academy of Eugene in the market. It is the responsibility of the entrepreneurs and the partners involved in the business to detect and identify the favorable factors for growth as well as the negative factors that inhibits the growth of the pany in the market. In this perspective, it can be said that the entrepreneur i.e. Eugene has a huge level of expertise and skills in the field of training and personal development (Soares et al. 2013). Apart from that, the different kinds of degrees that Eugene possesses along with certifications courses that helps in the growth of Tranium Academy in the market. The market research conducted by the pany is also responsible for identification of the different aspects of growth regarding the change of business model of the pany along with the increase of profitability of the business in the long term (Ceptureanu 2015). The concept of sustainability is a vital aspect that helps business in creating a positive impact on the minds of the target customers in the target market i.e. Singapore market. Nowadays, sustainable approaches are adopted by panies to create positive impact in the minds of the people. Sustainability is the area which is focused not only by the pany itself but also by the consumers (Mok 2015). If businesses in the petitive market do not have sustainability approaches or business operations, then they are not be able to sustain in the market for long term. In this perspective, sustainable approach of implementing digital approaches and technologies will help Tranium Academy while creating a positive impression in the minds of their target customers. Going digital and implementation of technology while maintaining sustainability are the best methods or approaches, that the business can implement in order to increase the profitability and feasibility of the business (Cropley and Crople y 2014). The report discusses about the different aspects of flourishing the business in the Singapore market. The report discusses about the strengths, weakness and feasibility of the current business model along with proposition of another most feasible option of business model in the pany which will increase the growth and profitability of the pany. Apart from that, the viability, feasibility of the business is described in terms of the flow of business in the market. There are different types of problems that Tranium Academy faced is also discussed in details along with r mendations for avoiding the business. Binnui, A. and Cowling, M., 2016. A conceptual framework for measuring entrepreneurship and innovation of young hi-technology firms. GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR), 4(3). Ceptureanu, E.G., 2015. Connection Between Entrepreneurship And Innovation Into Romanian Small And Medium-Size Enterprises. Risk in Contemporary Economy, pp.127-134. Chatterji, A., Glaeser, E. and Kerr, W., 2014. Clusters of entrepreneurship and innovation. Innovation Policy and the Economy, 14(1), pp.129-166. Cropley, D.H. and Cropley, A.J., 2014. Managing entrepreneurship for innovation: a psychological analysis (Doctoral dissertation, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited). Drucker, P., 2014. Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. Galindo, M.à . and Mà ©ndez, M.T., 2014. Entrepreneurship, economic growth, and innovation: Are feedback effects at work?. Journal of Business Research, 67(5), pp.825-829. Hoskinson, S. and Kuratko, D.F. eds., 2015. The Challenges of Ethics and Entrepreneurship in the Global Environment. Emerald Group Publishing. Letaifa, S.B. and Rabeau, Y., 2013. Too close to collaborate? How geographic proximity could impede entrepreneurship and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), pp.2071-2078. Lindberg, M., Lindgren, M. and Packendorff, J., 2014. Quadruple Helix as a way to bridge the gender gap in entrepreneurship: the case of an innovation system project in the Baltic Sea region. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 5(1), pp.94-113. Maritz, A. and Donovan, J., 2015. Entrepreneurship and innovation: Setting an agenda for greater discipline contextualisation. Education+ Training, 57(1), pp.74-87. Mok, K.H., 2015. Questing for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Enhancing Global petitiveness in Hong Kong. In Research, Development, and Innovation in Asia Pacific Higher Education (pp. 115-134). Palgrave Macmillan US. Mro?ewski, M. and Kratzer, J., 2016. Entrepreneurship and country-level innovation: investigating the role of entrepreneurial opportunities. The Journal of Technology Transfer, pp.1-18. Padma, M.C. and Sridhar, V., 2016. Mini-Project Based Approach to Promote Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 29(3), pp.67-74. Patton, D., 2013. Entrepreneurship: globalization, innovation and development. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. Sahut, J.M. and Peris-Ortiz, M., 2014. Small business, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 42(4), pp.663-668. Shaw, E. and de Bruin, A., 2013. Reconsidering capitalism: the promise of social innovation and social entrepreneurship?. International Small Business Journal, 31(7), pp.737-746. ?ledzik, K., 2013. Schumpeter’s view on innovation and entrepreneurship. Soares, F.O., Sepà ºlveda, M.J., Monteiro, S., Lima, R.M. and Dinis-Carvalho, J., 2013. An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education. Mechatronics, 23(8), pp.987-996. Thà ©baud, S., 2015. Status beliefs and the spirit of capitalism: Accounting for gender biases in entrepreneurship and innovation. Social Forces, 94(1), pp.61-86. Weber, Y. and Tarba, S.Y., 2016. Mergers and acquisitions, entrepreneurship and innovation. Emerald Group Publishing. With a decade's experience in providing essay help,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The U.S. government reaction to the Enron Scandal Research Paper
The U.S. government reaction to the Enron Scandal - Research Paper Example This paper focuses on response made by the government as a result of Enron scandal. The chaos caused economic losses to it stockholders and people have lost trust to the financial community. It has rendered the Code of Conduct and Ethics an insubstantial piece of covenant that could be disobeyed by seniors when they chose to do so. This paper used published literatures and materials in order to review government’s reaction on the said scandal so that risks of same incident are apprehended. An aftermath of the investigation showed perpetrators of the crime were persecuted, and the creation of a legislative Act that offered strict regulations and changes on the financial reporting. Enron was the 7th biggest corporation in the United States in 2001. It was founded in1985 and was involved in electricity, natural gas, communications and paper companies. The collapse of Enron in 2001 created ripple effects to its investors, its creditors, banks, employees, and the government. It has shattered the confidence of people to the financial markets and brought financial losses to its stakeholders, unemployment, and closure of two giant corporations, the Enron, and Arthur Anderson (AA). AA was also one of the largest accountancy and auditing firms in the world, and was the auditing firm of Enron. A long period of time has passed since then, and it is the duty of the government to take action on this big financial mess. Focus of this paper is to know what have been the reactions of the U.S. government toward this. Methodology Qualitative research using secondary sources of information, published articles, and journals will be used to establish information required. Knowing what the government has done to give justice to the people who lost money and employment will rebuild its trust to the financial system. Background Enron was the 7th biggest corporation in the United States in 2001. It was founded in1985 and was involved in electricity, natural gas, communications an d paper companies, but was better known for its matchless style of business operation of futures trading of gas and electricity and creation of new unusual markets of commodities as broadcast time for advertisers, internet bandwidth, and weather futures. From a $9 billion revenue in 1995, its annual revenues rose to over $100 billion in 2001. So, the world was shocked to find out that it has filed for bankruptcy in the mid -2001. What was unknown to the public before the bankruptcy was that Enron’s reported financial condition was covered with systematic, organized and planned activities to cover up the losses of Enron. The drop of Enron’s stock price from $90 per share in the mid-2000 to less than $1 per share at the end of 2001 caused 11 billion dollars of losses to shareholders (Yuhao Li, 2010). Findings and discussions a. Violations of Ethical Practices Causes of bankruptcy in Enron is a tangled web of unethical practices committed by the Auditor, senior management , laxity of government rules, investment houses, banks and board of directors, stock analysts who kept on pushing Enron’s stocks and media frenzy.(Tesfatsion, L. 2011) Causes of bankruptcy is also deeply seated on breaking the rules of The Code of Conduct and Ethics wherein truthfulness was not followed by management by not announcing the true health of the company and conflict of interest. There was conflict of interest between the role of Andersen as Auditor and as a Consultant for Enron. The report of accounting irregularities on reports of Enron, and the admission of AA’s employees tearing of documents and evidences related to Enron’s involvement had totally eroded AA’s reputation and the quality of his audits on the Accountancy field were put to doubt by his clients. As an Auditor and Consultant of Enron, AA has the duty to inform the shareholders the correct information as the report influences economic benefits for its shareholders. But in this ins tance, Anderson chose to betray the stockholders for his best
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
War and the Threat of External Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
War and the Threat of External Violence - Essay Example For the presentation of his statement George Orwell chose the art form of social science fiction. The novel just describes a few months of Winston Smith’s life – life of an ordinary member of society, which is built on the principles of Ingsoc (English Socialism), in the fictional superpower Oceania in 1984 (future). A prototype of the future socialist society can be seen quite clear – it was the Soviet Union of the 30-40’s. The mustachioed leader, Big Brother, privileged comrades of the Inner Party, the Thought Police, great cleansings, forced labor camps, a hysterical search for internal enemies, headed by a mythical traitor Goldstein -Trotsky, gloomy atmosphere of general suspicion, squalid life – these are the familiar elements of Stalin’s dictatorship. However, the technologies and methods of society control and suppression of dissent in the book surpass the Soviet realias. Orwell developed the idea of surveillance and brainwashing with more and more sophisticated technical means to manipulate information on a large scale, as it makes impossible any appearance of unauthorized thoughts. The geographic location of the novel is Air Strip One – a huge faceless province of the totalitarian Oceania, which is the allusion of the former UK. The author shows that even the bastion of European democracy with a long tradition of political freedom, which did not surrender to foreign or domestic fascism, can turn into a giant grim prison in 35 years, if people lose their watchfulness. Now, in the atomic age, the world lives in a state of apocalyptic terror. This is the reason why people are so concerned about the motives of the Apocalypse in literature. However, not the Big Brother unleashed atomic and hydrogen apocalyptic monsters. The main problem of the modern society is that it still has not learned how to adapt its lifestyles, social and political institutions to the great achievements of the technical knowledge. We do not know how the atomic and hydrogen bombs influenced consciousness of millions of people living in the East, where pain and fear can be hidden behind the facade of official optimism. This book is an attempt of a geopolitical prognosis. The world in the novel, after World War II and a small period of peace, is engaged in a nuclear war, which started in the 50’s between the former allies. As a result, the territories of Continental Europe go to the USSR; Britain and America are horror-struck by socialist revolutions. The possibility of such a war is historically justified. The allies, members of the anti-fascist coalition had very different geopolitical interests and united only in the face of fascist aggression. Variants of the further division of the world among the great powers, after Germany’s fall, were considered by Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt as well. The military machine of the Red Army gained an unprecedented power by the end of the war and could â€Å" liberate†the whole Europe easily and only the Second Front opening forced Stalin to confine himself to the Eastern half only. The Allies, in turn, were not averse to kill the â€Å"communist contagion.†Actually, after World War II, two superpowers arouse - the USSR and the USA and by the early 50’s they had nuclear weapons and struggled for world domination. But in the real world nuclear arsenals have grown too quickly, making it impossible to win a nuclear war. Moreover, Stalin’
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Free Trade and American Clothing Industry Essay A representative of the American clothing industry recently made the following statement: â€Å"Workers in Asia often work in sweatshop conditions earning only pennies an hour. American workers are more productive and as a result earn higher wages. In order to preserve the dignity of the American workplace, the government should enact legislation banning imports of low-wage Asian clothing. †Answer the following: (10 points) a. Which parts of this quote are positive statements? Which parts are normative statements? . Would such a policy make some Americans better off without making any other Americans worse off? Explain who and why. c. Would low-wage Asian workers benefit from or be hurt by such a policy and why? . Referring to the same situation in question 1, but instead of legislation banning the imports, assume that the government enacts a special tax on imported clothing that is so high that the selling price of the imports would be equal to the selling price of the same clothing made in America. This kind of tax is called a tariff and is enacted to protect domestic producers of the same items that can be imported at much lower costs. Answer the following: (10 points) a. What would shoppers see when they shopped in Wal-Mart and the other â€Å"big box†stores that sell so many imported items? b. Would this tax policy have a better effect, worse effect, or no different effect on American workers than the legislation banning the imports discussed in question 1? What kind of effect would the tax have on the Asian workers? A growing economy means that the economy is producing more and more â€Å"stuff†, either because it has more resources (workers), or uses those resources more productively (smarter, better workers, working with better machines and systems). A growing economy that produces more and more â€Å"stuff†normally means that the people have a higher and higher standard of living. If the government adopts a â€Å"free trade†policy towards all imports, including the low cost clothing of question 1 and 2, in which it places no barriers to importing items, can that action help the economy to grow? Explain your answer.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hawthornes Scarlet Letter vs Scralet Letter the Film Essay examples --
Hawthornes Scarlet Letter vs Scralet Letter the Film Published in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter describes many details of the life of a woman in a Puritan community and her conflict with their beliefs. Immoral events committed were harshly treated in those times; today these situations are dealt with up-to-date solutions. A Hollywood version of the novel was created in 1995 to visually illustrate the story but left room for comparison. Both the book and movie contain similarities and differences in point of view, plot, and symbolism. The point of view in a story is important for visualization of the plot. In the novel Hawthorne narrates the story of Hester Prynne and her sin of adultery making his point of view third person omniscient. He speaks of Hester like an outsider watching upon her life through a lucid glass window. This opposes the movie’s point of view which is told by Hester’s daughter, Pearl, with a first person limited prospect. Pearl speaks of her mother’s life and romance with her father as she has heard the tale of love and suffering. ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Personality Assessment Essay
Personality is the set of emotional qualities and ways of behaving that makes a person different from other people, (Merriam-Webster, 2014). My personality is something that I have had since birth. It defines who I am and how others view me. Some people have outgoing personalities while others prefer to stay home or in other quiet places. I have always been a person that enjoys seclusion. After taking the Jung Typology Test, I now understand my personality. This test has helped me to define my strengths as well as my weaknesses which will help me in my academic career. My personality type is INTJ. I am 78% introvert, 25% intuitive, 12% thinking, and 56% judging, (, 2011). I found the test to be accurate and agreed with the results. Introverts are perfectionists that have a high level of confidence. Most introverts are logical thinkers that open their minds to all possibilities. â€Å"INTJs are ideal people. They think anything is possible and everything is negotiable, (, 2011). I possess this introvert quality. I believe that there are always exceptions to rules. As a student, the introvert trait can be very useful to me. I like to be isolated from noise, so this can be helpful for reading course materials and studying. I can use my introvert’s problem solving skills to work through difficult tasks. Being an introvert also allows me to use my vivid imagination. This can be helpful when writing papers and doing projects. â€Å"Students are expected to work in groups in traditional classrooms and the o nes that prefer to work alone are considered outliners or a problem, (Cain, 2012). As an online student my introvert trait will allow me to focus on my studies because I can work alone in my comfort zone. In addition to being an introvert, the test revealed that the next highest trait I possess is judging. Judging can be very beneficial to my academic success. This trait will allow me to make good decisions and keep me organized. â€Å"INTJs are perfectionists with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes there interests, (, 2011). Being a perfectionist will help me as a student. Perfectionism will help me complete assignments that contain quality information. My third highest trait is being intuitive. Being intuitive can be challenging for me as a student. Most people that have the intuitive trait hate the normal day to day routine. I am one of those people. I like to be challenged in new ways on a regular basis. Because I am attending school online, this will allow me to be flexible with my schedule and change things up a little. Overall, I agreed with the results from the Jung Typology Test. It gave me an explanation of why I do the things that I do. My introvert trait allows me to be in touch with my thoughts and feelings and this helps me to explore with my imagination. My judging trait helps me make logical decisions. My intuitive trait helps me to prepare for the future. This is who I am and I wear the INTJ badge proudly. References Cain, Susan (2012). The Power of Introverts. Retrieved from Jung Typology Test (2011) Retrieved from, Merriam-Webster (2014). Personality. Retrieved from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay
 Tragedy followed them: of their four children, only one lived very long. Then in 1822, aged just thirty, Mary’s husband drowned when on a cruise with her husband, his ship having capsized due to a summer storm. Mary’s life was effectively over: even though she lived for another thirty years, her flame never again burned as brightly as it had done in the company of her husband. She pursued to live as a professional writer until her death in 1851. Mary was constantly tormented in life by death and depression, which may have led her to write ‘Frankenstein’. Frankenstein is a book about man’s thirst for knowledge, about the way he is not satisfied unless he knows all the wonders of the world. In many cases, this can lead to the destruction of a man’s soul, as it did to Victor Frankenstein. His quest to learn the secrets of heaven and earth ended in disaster. The monster was the embodiment of evil, bringing death and destruction wherever it laid foot. It brought death to Frankenstein’s family, in a pure quest for revenge. Symbolic of most evil, the monster was manmade. In many ways Mary Shelley’s life can be compared to that of Victor Frankenstein’s. Mary must have felt that wherever she went, evil followed, as those closest to her were snatched away. She portrayed this in Frankenstein as Victor’s family was destroyed by the monster, symbolic of the evil she felt followed her. Mary’s marriage is also represented in Frankenstein. Mary’s marriage to Percy Shelley was the happiest time of her life before he was killed. In the same way, Victor’s marriage to Elizabeth was the only joy he had felt in a long time, when just as suddenly she was murdered by the monster, again symbolising the evil that Mary felt killed her husband. Mary also describes very vividly the pain that Victor felt, leading us to believe that she must have felt the same pain and agony. She reveals this in many situations such as the quotes, ‘the overflowing misery I now felt, and the excess of agitation that I endured rendered me incapable of any exertion’ and, ‘a fiend had snatched from me every chance of future happiness; no creature had ever been so miserable as I was’. The ending of the story was that the death of Victor Frankenstein led the monster to believe that his work was done, and so the monster burned himself to death. The creation had ironically led to the death of the creator. Mary believed that in the event of a man’s demise, the evil inside him dies as well. Frankenstein contains a sad ending, with the destruction of a whole family due to a man’s insatiable quest for knowledge. Mary’s life also consisted of a sad ending, in which she was never as happy as she was when with her husband. She died a lonely death, without her loved ones surrounding her, the same fate shared by Victor Frankenstein. The monster in Frankenstein can be compared to the beast in Lord of the Flies. There are both similarities and differences. In both novels, the idea of a monster/beast represents the pure manifestation of evil. Mutually they lead to the destruction and death of those around them. They are equally spawned from the mind and hands of humans. They both originally spring from the minds of humans. To explain, in Lord of the Flies is the imagination of the boys representing evil, and in Frankenstein it is Victor’s wild imagination and thirst for intellect that leads to the creation of the monster. However, this can also be viewed as a particular dissimilarity. In Frankenstein, the monster is bodily real and physically inflicts harm on Victor’s family. However in Lord of the Flies the beast is just as deadly and evil, but is inside the children’s minds. William Golding was born in Cornwall in 1911. His family was progressive and it was the first source of influence for Golding’s talent. He studied physics and English literature at Marlboro and Oxford University of England. From the first years of his life, he faced the atrocities of war. Fuelled with stories his parents related to him about the first war, he took part in the second great war by joining the British Navy at 1940. After the war, William became a teacher at a boys school in Salisbury. Here, he started to act as a writer. He observed many children in their natural environment, and must have witnessed the negative side of a child’s nature countless number of times. This led him to write Lord Of The Flies which was his first published book. William Golding lived through the two biggest wars in history. During his time in the Navy, he had a constant reminder of the evil and brutality in the hearts of men. He saw countless lives lost around him, some belonging to his friends. It had been revealed to him that the pure evil inside a man can start world wars. This, along with his teaching experiences, was his incentive to write Lord Of The Flies. After surviving the war, he saw during his teaching that children were not bereft of evil either. Combining these two topics he wrote Lord Of The Flies, the conflict between humanity’s innate barbarism and the civilizing influence of reason. In the book, he portrays Jack as the embodiment of evil. It is Jack’s thirst for power that causes the breakdown of civilisation. In this way, Jack can be compared to Hitler. Jack did not want to stop murdering until the whole of Ralph’s group were killed. In the same way, Hitler did not want to stop until the world was rid of Jews. Jack’s tribe wore face paint whereas Hitler and the Nazis wore the sign of the Swastika on their arms. Jack is aided in his quest of destruction by Roger, who can be compared to the Nazis. Roger also represents pure evil and wrongness, moreso even than Jack. He derived sadistic pleasure from torturing pigs and the other boys on the island. Similarly, the Nazis tortured the Jews from which they obtained a sick sense of fulfilment. Roger is one of Jack’s most loyal helpers, and gladly carries out his orders, in the same manner the Nazis obeyed Hitler. The ending of the novel can be interpreted in two different ways. The first would be to interpret that William Golding does actually have a positive outlook on life and believes that the end of life will be a happy one. This can be portrayed as the naval officer who has come to end the evil and escape the boys from the clutches of death, and thus the arrival of authority seems like a happy and ironic ending. However if one digs deeper it is just a continuation from one war to another. Once all the boys get on the Navy cruiser, they’ll most likely just be subjected to more battle and fighting, this time on a worldwide level, due to the war taking place in the outside world. To conclude, the common theme in both novels was the evil in man. Both authors had their own experiences that led them to believe that evil resides amongst all of us. They both took their experiences and portrayed them in novels filled with symbolism. Mary Shelley believed that evil is constantly around us, and that no-one can escape. She believed that man has an evil inside of him so powerful that it can lead to the destruction of his own soul. William Golding’s understanding was that every man is born with evil inside him. He didn’t believe in man’s innocence after the second world war. He found that even children are not innocent, saying, ‘No one is innocent until the society and the way of his life make him to pretend that he’s innocent. But sometimes, when a man is facing a difficult situation then he will probably show his other nature, the dark and guilty nature. ‘ Shyam Kanabar Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Are The Council of Ministers and European Council Protectors of The State †Government Research Paper
Are The Council of Ministers and European Council Protectors of The State – Government Research Paper Free Online Research Papers European integration has deepened considerably in the recent years and many are predicting it to deepen even further, towards an all-embracing state of Europe in which national boundaries and cultural identities will gradually melt into one. This scenario is definitely feared by many. However, among all the institutions of the European Union, the last stronghold of national interests still stands: the Council of Ministers, the Union’s main executive and legislative power. Alongside it is the European Council, a meeting of the heads of member states, which defines the broad political direction of the Union, and is under national influence as well. Are these two institutions the protectors of state interests within the European Union? In this essay I intend to look at the organization and functions of both the Council of Ministers and the European Council. I will also examine how they interact with the rest of the European Union, and look at the functioning of the decision-making process closely to see whether the Council of Ministers protects national interests or strives for the common good of the European Union. Finally I will conclude on what I perceive as the role of the Council of Ministers and the European Council and whether they are protecting state interests within the European Union or not. The Council of Ministers The Council of Ministers was created on purely intergovernmental grounds in 1951. The national governments felt the need to limit the supranational powers that were driving the integration forward. The Council which was then created has evolved greatly since and its powers have deepened despite the growing powers of the supranational institutions within the European Union. The Council of Ministers is not one complete body, but in fact meets in several different formations, depending on the subject area being discussed. For example, the ministers of education meet among themselves as do the ministers of foreign affairs. So all in all, the Council of Ministers has sixteen different formations. There also exists an hierarchy within these different formations: â€Å"Three Councils have traditionally met on a monthly basis, and have therefore been viewed as the most ‘senior’ formations – the General Affairs Council, made up of the foreign ministers of the member governments; the Economic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin), composed of the ministers of finance or economic affairs; and the Agriculture Council.†(Hayes-Renshaw, 2002: 50). The other councils meet less frequently, but yet at least twice a year. The ministers are in these meetings strictly as the representatives of their respective governments and are authorized to commit t heir governments (Hayes-Renshaw, 2002: 51). The Council of Ministers is led by the presidency which rotates among the member states and is held up for a six-month period. Meanwhile the Secretariat-General of the Council acts as the administrative support to the Council performing also logistical and technical functions. The Secretary-General is also the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, so the tasks the Secretariat-General oversees are not to be overlooked. The Secretariat-General plays a significant role within the Council hierarchy. COREPER (Committee of Permanent Representatives) Coreper prepares the work of the Council of Ministers and is an important and integral part of the functioning of the Council. â€Å"Coreper acts as a process manager in the Council system between the ministers and the experts in the working groups.†(Cini, 2003: 157). Coreper consists of two groups: Coreper I and II. â€Å"Coreper I is made up of the deputy permanent representatives and they are responsible for preparing the so-called ‘technical’ councils.†(Cini, 2003: 157). Meanwhile, Coreper II is generally regarded the more important one and consists of the EU permanent representatives who prepare the work of the General Affairs Council and deal with issues that have broad implications. While the representatives have no formal decision-making power, they still exert a lot of influence on the ministers, and â€Å"Coreper is still an important de facto decision-making body, seen by the steady stream of ‘A points’ which are sent to the minis ters for formal adoption†(Cini, 2003: 158). Below the Coreper in hierarchy, several working groups exist: â€Å"†¦ the working group level is a vast network of national officials who specialize in specific areas and form the initial starting point for negotiations on any new proposal or issue.†(Cini, 2003: 158) They hold the specialist knowledge needed for each subject area and aim to work through all the technical and fine detail to ease the workload of ministers. The functions of the Council of Ministers Decision-making is the Council’s main function and it is in fact the European Union’s principal legislative institution. All proposals originating from the Commission must be approved by the Council. Certain decisions are taken collectively with the European Parliament through co-decision procedure, and the power of the Parliament has increased in influencing the outcome of the decisions; however the Council of Ministers still holds the main power. The decisions made collectively with the European Parliament fall under the First Pillar of the issues. Decisions within the Second and Third Pillars which consist of ‘more important’ issues such as for example foreign policy are made solely by the Council of Ministers. Within the Council decisions are made preferably through negotiation and agreements; however in some cases voting is the only way to reach consensus. There are two categories for voting rules: unanimity and qualified majority voting (QMV). In the case of unanimity any country can block the decision-making process by casting a ‘no’ vote. However, QMV is more commonly used and is based on ‘weighted’ votes (every member state has a certain number of votes proportionate to their size and population). But again, it has to be stressed that voting does not take place commonly. Member states will rather come to a mutual agreement than try to hold on to their national points of view until the very end. This shows that even the Council of Ministers, the most intergovernmental of all the European Union institutions, is not all about fighting for national benefits but instead tries to look for what is good for the Union as well. The Council of Ministers is also the executive power of the European Union. As such, its function is â€Å"to provide leadership and steer the pace and direction of European integration, seen especially in areas of diplomacy and foreign affairs.†(Cini, 2003: 149). In this task, it is aided by the European Council that sets the broad political agenda. The European Council The European Council, which is the meeting of the heads of member state governments, was established in 1974. The meetings had taken place prior to that but it was then that the European Council was institutionalized as an integral part of the European Union. â€Å"The main reason for the creation of the European Council was a growing feeling that the Community was failing to respond adequately or quickly enough to new and increasingly difficult challenges.†(Nugent, 2003: 179) The powers of the European Council at the moment (they have evolved over time and without a doubt will keep evolving as well) are the following: It defines the broad political direction and guidelines of the European Union. It guides the European Union’s development and determines the guidelines of economic policies within the Union; and it defines the general principles and guidelines for Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and takes decisions for implementing CFSP. Its task is also to â⠂¬Å"decide on common strategies to be implemented by the Union in areas where the Member States have important interests in common.†(Nugent, 2003: 181) And finally, â€Å"the Council shall ensure the unity, consistency and effectiveness of action by the Union.†(Nugent, 2003: 181) Basically, the European Council is a political get-together that unites the national interests of the member states into a broad political agenda. Even if the European Council is not part of the official decision-making machinery, it still has an important role in that because â€Å"final and legally binding EU decisions may be made by other EU institutions, but major political decisions concerning the institutional and policy development of the EU are now generally taken by, or at least are channeled through and given clearance by, the European Council.†(Nugent. 2003: 182) The meetings of the European Council are prepared by the General Affairs and External Relations Council, again to ease the workload of the busy heads of states. National Interests and the Decision-making Process in the European Union In this section I intend to look at the decision-making process within the second and third pillars more specifically and see if that can offer proof of the claim that the Council of Ministers acts as the protector of state interests within the European Union. The main question here is whether member states will rather reach consensus, even if that might mean having to give up some of their national interests, or use their right to veto (or become part of a blocking minority) to ensure that national gains are reached? As mentioned before, the Council of Ministers exercises its decision-making authority especially in matters under the Second and Third Pillars. Under these pillars, which comprise of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and justice and home affairs, the European Parliament is not an official part of the decision-making machinery; even if it is allowed state its opinion on the issues. The member states can be regarded as having strong national interests in these two areas, mostly related to national sovereignty and geopolitical and economic interests. In the past, the Council of Ministers had a strong emphasis on national interests, under some informal rules, such as for example the Luxembourg Compromise: â€Å"For a long time the most important of these [the informal rules] was the Luxembourg ‘Compromise’ of 1966, under which it was asserted by the French government of the day that member states should be able to block decisions that would threaten ‘very important national interests’.†(Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace, 2005: 14) However, now Qualified Majority Voting (QMV) has become more important than unanimity voting, therefore vetoing is no longer as useful, or even possible. â€Å"Ever since QMV became an embedded option, votes have been formally taken on only about a quarter of eligible decisions, often with abstentions, rather than negative votes.†(Hayes-Renshaw and Wallace, 2005: 18) But even QMV is not often used because any kind of voting is not a common practice in the Council of Mini sters. States will rather reach consensus through lengthy negotiations. There exists some problems with QMV though which imply that member states still feel that their national interests might be threatened: weighted votes lead to larger states being underrepresented (not having enough votes relative to their population) and vice versa smaller states being overrepresented. â€Å"Even if the weight of an individual small country is limited, it is not only symbolic. It determines the extent to which the country can be an effective and valued partner in qualified majorities or blocking minorities, and thereby receive support for its national interests.†(Moberg, 2002: 267) Therefore, safeguarding national interests is still important and even if vetoing as such is not an option in most cases, blocking power remains important. Rather than clinging on to a specific national point of view, member states take a more flexible approach and team with like-minded states with shared interests. Coalitions of states tend to stay the same because â€Å"usually, states have a stable set of national interests, which in most cases are basically the same even after a change of government†(Moberg, 2002: 261). Weighting of interests is more important than mere concepts of power and blocking a decision can bring about new proposals, better suited to national interests. The importance of national interests can also be seen in the fact that â€Å"in the daily work of the EU, (†¦), the dividing line is almost never between large and small, but rather between countries with opposite interests in other respects†(Moberg, 2002: 270). Despite this, a strong consensus-culture seems to exist. Member states cannot defend their national interests all the time but they have to consider their relations to other countries too, as well as their own image. At the end of the day, work at the Council of Ministers is like any group work: everyone has their opinion but something has to give and everyone has to compromise to find a solution that pleases everyone. And in the case of the European Union, a solution that allows the Union to function and move the integration forward. Conclusion Hayes-Renshaw offers a very useful one-sentence summary of the Council of Ministers: â€Å"The Council is the EU’s chief decision-making body, the place where national interests are articulated, defended, and aggregated by ministerial representatives of all member governments.†(2002: 47). It sums up the main functions of the Council, however it is interesting that she should emphasize the fact that the Council is where national interests are represented. Cini recognizes the Council of Ministers as â€Å"the premier EU institution for representing national interests and power†(2003: 163) but highlights the fact that the Council is also more than merely the forum for national negotiation and bargaining: â€Å"It is also a collective system of governance which locks member states into permanent negotiations with one another.†(2003: 163) The Council is therefore both intergovernmental and supranational. â€Å"†¦ It blurs the traditional distinction be tween the national and European levels, between intergovernmental and supranational.†(Cini, 2003: 163) From these descriptions and the previous summaries on the Council of Ministers and the European Council, can we come to a conclusion that they are protecting state interests within the European Union? The European Union’s strongly supranational character might lead us to believe that any institution that has even a little to do with member state’s own interests is intergovernmental and safeguarding national interests and gains. This is even strengthened by the prominent roles that the Council of Ministers and the European Council have – for many outsiders, they are the Union. But as we can see from their functions and roles and positions that have been examined in this essay, we can conclude that they are indeed protecting national interests and it looks unlikely that the member states would settle for smaller representation. However, we should bear in m ind that protecting national interests is not the only function they have in the European Union and they also serve a purpose to the deepening integration and a bigger picture of Europe. Bibliography Cini, M. (2003): European Union Politics. Oxford: University Press. Hayes-Renshaw, F. (2002): The Council of Ministers, in Peterson, J. and Shackleton, M.: The Institutions of the European Union. Oxford: University Press. Hayes-Renshaw, F. and Wallace, H. (2005): The Council of Ministers of the European Union. London: MacMillan. Moberg, A. (2002): The Nice Treaty and Voting Rules in the Council, in Journal of Common Market Studies. Vol. 40, no. 2 Nugent, N. (2003): The Government and Politics of the European Union. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Research Papers on Are The Council of Ministers and European Council Protectors of The State - Government Research PaperAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropePETSTEL analysis of IndiaDefinition of Export QuotasTwilight of the UAWHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Relationship between Media Coverage and Social andCapital PunishmentOpen Architechture a white paper
Monday, November 4, 2019
International Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Business Management - Essay Example There is a process for it which is termed as New Product development, which means it is the process that helps an organization to develop new products and services. There are two parallel paths involved in the process: One involves the idea generation, product design and detail structures, the second step focuses on market research and market analysis. Price Pricing is a very complicated issue and has far reaching effects on a company’s prospects in a market. There are different pricing benchmarks for different markets. So it is not a straight forward task to price a product. Company has to survey the market and analyze what prices other competitors are offering. Cost of Raw Material and Cost of transportation are taken into account for setting the price. If a company sets very low price in relation to their competitors, then there is a threat of being perceived as a bad quality. Willingness to purchase a product is directly related with the price. If the price is affordable, customer would instantly buy the product. Placement Placement of the product assumes wider magnitude when we talk about international marketing. If customers come to buy a product, and it is not available instantly than customers would get interested in competitors. For timely availability of the product, it is very necessary to make use of warehouses and other storing places. It is essential to make placement decisions in line with the product’s position in the market. Company need to decide whether our product will be perceived as a high end product or a low end product. Promotion Promotion is a multi-component phenomenon, which operates as a interacting channel with other elements of the marketing mix, aiming to achieve the communication process caused between what companies offer goods or services or ideas working to satisfy the needs and desires of consumers from individuals or institutions according to their potential. There are number of international promotional tools such as advertisement, sponsorships, price promotions and etc, but every firm prefers to use push and pull strategy. Pull is the relationship of the goods or pieces of information that moves the product from producer to the customers, while the "push" is to bring the goods to their customers "pool". Sometimes it become difficult to draft a promotional strategy for a brand because of its USP, then brand decisions are taken. Brand decisions are the art of creating and maintaining a brand. Branding makes customers committed to a business and provides them sense of loyalty. Question 1 (b) Company Global Hyatt Corporation is a US based organization that operates the business of hotels and motels. There are two hotel companies with the name of Hyatt Hotels Corporation and Hyatt International from which Global Hyatt Corporation operates all their businesses. Hyatt hotels leases, franchises and operates a number of hotels and resorts. Besides hotels, Global Hyatt Corporation also runs the business of casinos. The servicing mix of Global Hyatt Corporation is extended by three points: the processes, the individuals and the physical evidence.     Processes A process is a set of actions which connects all the operations of a business to each other with an aim to achieve a specific result. Usually, Process includes value creating strategies for internal or external customers, segmentation,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Fog in Tucson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fog in Tucson - Essay Example Radiation fog can be formed easily in Tucson by adding moisture to the air. During the night, the ground will cool down emitting heat to the air above making it dry. The thin layer of air above the ground remains moist, as the temperature on the ground is cold. Thus, in between the cool and the warm air, radiation fog is formed. The radiation fog formed around valleys is referred to as the valley fog. When forming the valley fog, the condensed cool air would move down into the valley and accumulate. After several layers pile up, fog is formed. The sun cannot heat up the moisture because fog reflects sunlight. Steam fog usually forms in the morning after a cold night. There should a surface of a small pool of water to provide moisture. After evaporation begins, moisture would rise from the surface forming a fog. The physical difference between the radiation and steam form is that latter rises from the ground while the former appears to cover a region while moving
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